GPY-Packings (Piston packings)

Standard Material: NBR(RN919)

Profiles (Left section)


Service range

Standard Material
Material codes
Pressure MPa {kgf/㎠} Max. speed
Temperature range
NBR(RN919) GPY-Packings〈Clearance of extrusion H9/f8〉 17.5 {175} 1 -30~100
w/Back-up rings 25 {250} 0.5
w/Standard & high pressure back-up rings 35 {350}


GPY-piston packings are designed to obtain optimum durability by the high wear resistant material.
With the larger cross-sectional area than that of SKY-Packings,
GPY-piston packings provide an extra long operation time and prevent the damage by back pressure.


  • ●Packings should be installed in the direction specified on the above schematic.
  • ●Consider adopting split grooves if one-piece groove is technically adverse.
  • ●When a high pressure back-up ring is not used, φDc and Gc are not necessary.
  • ●φD H9/f8 changes according to the variation of the bearing structure.
  • ●For applications installed in combination with wear rings, refer to the dimension table of the applicable wear rings.
  • ※JIS standard sequence of surface roughness symbols refer to HERE.

Dimension table

Packings & Groove dimensions(Unit:mm) Part No.
D d H GA GB GC D1 DC L Standard material
Standard back-up ring
High pressure back-up ring
32 22 6.2 7 9 2.5 31 28 4 GPY-32-1 *
40 30 6.2 7 9 2.5 39 36 4 GPY-40 TC-GPY-40 PE-GPY-40
45 35 6.2 7 9 2.5 44 41 4 GPY-45 TC-GPY-45 PE-GPY-45
50 40 6.2 7 9 2.5 49 46 4 GPY-50 TC-GPY-50 PE-GPY-50
55 45 6.2 7 9 2.5 54 51 4 GPY-55 TC-GPY-55 PE-GPY-55
60 50 6.2 7 9 2.5 59 56 4 GPY-60 TC-GPY-60 PE-GPY-60
63 53 6.2 7 9 2.5 62 59 4 GPY-63 TC-GPY-63 PE-GPY-63
65 52 7.7 8.5 11 3 63.5 59 5 GPY-65 TC-GPY-65 PE-GPY-65
70 57 7.7 8.5 11 3 68.5 64 5 GPY-70 TC-GPY-70 PE-GPY-70
75 62 7.7 8.5 11 3 73.5 69 5 GPY-75 TC-GPY-75 PE-GPY-75
80 65 9.2 10 12.5 3 78.5 74 5 GPY-80 TC-GPY-80 PE-GPY-80
85 70 9.2 10 12.5 3 83.5 79 5 GPY-85 TC-GPY-85 PE-GPY-85
90 75 9.2 10 12.5 3 88.5 84 5 GPY-90 TC-GPY-90 PE-GPY-90
100 80 12 13 16 3.5 98 93 6 GPY-100 TC-GPY-100 PE-GPY-100
110 90 12 13 16 3.5 108 103 6 GPY-110 TC-GPY-110 PE-GPY-110
120 100 12 13 16 3.5 118 113 6 GPY-120 TC-GPY-120 PE-GPY-120
125 105 12 13 16 3.5 123 118 6 GPY-125 TC-GPY-125 PE-GPY-125
130 110 12 13 16 3.5 128 123 6 GPY-130 TC-GPY-130 PE-GPY-130
140 120 12 13 16 3.5 138 133 6 GPY-140 TC-GPY-140 PE-GPY-140
150 125 16 17 20 4 148 142 7 GPY-150 TC-GPY-150 PE-GPY-150
160 135 16 17 20 4 158 152 7 GPY-160 TC-GPY-160 PE-GPY-160
180 155 16 17 20 4 178 172 7 GPY-180 TC-GPY-180 PE-GPY-180
200 175 16 17 20 4 198 192 7 GPY-200 TC-GPY-200 PE-GPY-200
250 225 16 17 20 4 248 242 7 GPY-250 TC-GPY-250 PE-GPY-250
  • ★Orders and inquiries are acceptable by part numbers. Part numbers marked ※ have been changed each part numbers. Please check HERE for the previous part number.
  • ★Part numbers in blue letters are the products in stock.
  • ★Packings with the part numbers in light Italic require the confirmation of their availability prior to ordering. These items are subject to the abolishment without notice. Reclamation of an abolished product requires producing the new tooling at your expense.
  • ★Packings are adequately packaged for the optimum storage. Refer to Cautions for the handling and
  • ★Performance and material tests on packing and seals are also available. Please contact us for more information.